I’m excited to be teaching my first International Criminal Law class to a set of highly curious and brilliant students of the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto.
Today is important to me because of the memory it brought.
You see, in 2009 when I was applying for a Ph.D. program in Canadian universities, I applied to the University of Toronto. To my surprise, I received a rejection letter dated the day after my application was delivered to the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. I still wonder if my application was given any consideration.
Of course, I went on to McGill University – Faculty of Law to complete my doctorate.
But here I am, more than a decade later, at the University of Toronto, doing the same things I love – teaching and research.
Our big dreams, big ambitions and big hope can come true if we stay at it and keep adding value to ourselves!
#dreamcatchers #dreamscometrue #teaching #students #highereducation #university #loveoflearning #universityoftoronto #mcgilluniversity